Tranquila Collection
Tranquila Collection is a series of watercolor and ink Illustrations created originally created in 2020 for Cacti Oasis© products.
The Spanish word tranquila, (feminine usage) in English means “to be calm.” I say it to myself often these days. Learning how to simply “be calm” can be a difficult process in life. Creative outlets boost mental health and stimulate the brain in a number of ways. Watercolor specifically taught me patience and helps me with anxiety, grief and depression. Creating this image helped me during the early parts of the pandemic, especially when feeling lonely and distressed. Jigsaw puzzles are another way to improve mental health, boost happiness, enhance memory and can create a calm safe space of being. May you find tranquility and peace in these novel and tumultuous times. Que encuentres tranquilidad y paz en estos tiempos novedosos y difíciles.
2020 Cacti Oasis © Woman Owned
Illustration Copyright 2020 © Adela Antoinette